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BoHo Hills is not within walking distance of any surfing beach however these can be easily reached by scooter.  Within a radius of approximately 10 minutes drive you will discover 2 beginners waves, 2 spots for intermediate level surfers and of course Uluwatu and Padang-Padang which are two of the top 10 waves on the planet.

The glorious 5 mile stretch of beaches and ultimate surfing is best explored by scooter which can be conveniently rented from BoHo’s front desk for less than a single-ticket on the London underground!

Surf lessons and tours to explore the locals surfbreak are available at a competitive rate. Info about pricing and options are available at Boho's front desk.


Dreamland (7 minutes scooter ride)

  • Board rentals available on the beach for IDR 50,000 per session or IDR 100,000 per day

  • Gentle left-hander and a more punchy yet friendly A-frame that breaks both left and right.

  • A sandy bottom which is perfect for getting started without any risk of hitting the reef

  • Works best a low to mid tide

Padang-Padang Rights (12 minutes scooter ride)

  • Board rentals available on the beach for IDR 50,000 per session or IDR 100,000 per day

  • Although mostly a right, it also offers the occasional left hander

  • A reef bottom which makes it a must that you wear booties if you’re surfing on an outgoing tide. Must be avoided at low tide due to the sharp reef

  • Works best at a high to mid tide. 


Bingin Left (10 minutes scooter ride)


  • Intense left-hander that barrels on the inside and handles small and medium swells.

  • Works best at mid tide, bumpy at high tide and hazardous at low tide

  • Often crowded making it difficult to catch waves if you’re new to the spot.

  • A reef bottom which makes it a must that you wear booties if you’re surfing on a mid to low tide.

  • Must be avoided at low tide due to the sharp reef

Impossibles (10 minutes scooter ride)


  • A cluster of 3 left-handers that break on a reef.

  • Despite their name are very manageable to surf and rarely get overcrowded.

  • Works best at mid tide, short ride at low tide and bumpy at high tide

  • Usually disappointing on a small swell.

  • A reef bottom which makes it a must that you wear booties if you’re surfing on an outgoing tide. 

Balangan (10 minute scooter ride)


  • A left-hander that breaks on a reef .

  • The wave handles all swells and is best at medium size.

  • A reef bottom which makes it a must that you wear booties if you’re surfing on a low tide.

  • Works best at mid tide, short ride at low tide and bumpy at high tide

Uluwatu (15 Minutes scooter ride)


  • The most iconic surf spot of the Bukit peninsula featuring a cluster of 5 different left waves over a half mile stretch.

  • Handles all swells and all tides.  Truly a wave machine.

  • Gets very crowded but so consistent that intermediate surfers will always get a decent session.

  • A reef bottom which makes it a must that you wear booties if you’re surfing on an outgoing tide.

  • On a big swell it is strictly advanced level only


Padang-Padang Left (15 minutes scooter ride)

  • A mythical wave that hosts an annual international contest during the summer months.

  • Ask BoHo’s guest relations team about the latest updates for the contest schedule.

  • Extremely technical wave on a sharp reef that handles only large swells so it is surfed only a handful of days per year.

  • Frankly if you’re capable of - and planning to - surf this wave you’re definitely not going to learn anything useful in this info blurb!

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